(Please NOTE: Everything on this page is Copyrighted)
Sample 1:

I have a bone to pick with our news media. Not a specific bone, but a very generalized, overreaching sort of bone. I have decided that regardless how unbiased a news source tries to be, it is an impossible task, seeing as we are human. The news media is ran by big business, with the exception of NPR, but humans still write the stories and decide which story is more important than the other. This in itself is a form of an agenda. I know that not all stories can be told, but to be truly unbiased, both sides of a conflict must be examined fully and exposed. We need to hear why things happened on both sides, not a little on one side, while the rest of the half hour is spent defending the other side. This is not an agenda-free way of doing things. This, my friend, is bias.

I don't want to know what the folks with millions in the bank think about our economy. I don't want to know their thoughts on the minimum wage or the fact that our unemployment rate is ridiculous. Why, you ask? Because how would they know anyway? We know they can read, but to truly KNOW something, one must have experienced it, or at least lowered themselves enough to actually mingle amongst it....and well, from all I can tell, this is not what is happening and so yes, I fear a news source that is not willing to wallow amongst the bottom-dwellers to get to the true reasoning behind things. Yes, our media puppets brave storms and such, but those are the big news items that every station in the country is covering, so it is more of a race to see who can get the story more than a true desire to get the real, unbiased story out there.

I also have a problem with so many 'fluff' stories. We all love a good story, but my goodness, is it really newsworthy when a woman refuses to marry her husband and runs away? Why in the world is this in our news? This happens more than is reported and I think it was reported because there were big bucks involved.

This is not important, brother. This is crap. Does it help me? No. Does it enlighten me? Heck no. So why was it spread throughout our country amongst the news of our men being killed in an unreasonable war (BTW - I'm not even going to touch this subject). Is it because our captive audience, ranging from the extremely wealthy to the poorest trailor dwellers, need a step away from true reality to see that someone else is having problems or that they want to excape our horrible state of being that this is entertaining? If this is the is case, well there's a billion dollar business called the film industry that can take care of your needs. These needs should not be filled by a media that should be giving us the most up-to-date news on our world, real news that is, stuff that actually affects us as a species.

Sample 2:
ode to bill

he likes...
his women: foreign.
his cigarettes: plentiful.
and his words: read aloud.
a poet of sorts;
he worships noone,
believes in nothing,
his typewriter is sacred
and his thoughts
are prayers to audiences.
mayo will NEVER
touch his lips,
but the stale taste
of coffee is on his mind
:waffle house coffee,
best served when
sitting for 2 hours...
-him...not the coffee.

Sample 3:
-a nation of contrasts, we are
-rich, poor
-fat, skinny
-white, black
-we separate ourselves, knowingly
-but we fail to understand
-we are all human, all the time
-we share basic needs....
-our bodies do not discriminate
-the rich must understand,
-if there weren't poor folk
-we'd all be on level terms
-it's a balancing act,
-the richer one gets
-the poorer the other gets....
-the rich need the poor to maintain
-their facade of righteousness
-monies aside, we are all living creatures
-dead flesh is dead flesh
-whether it wears pearls
-or plastic....
-we share dirt
-we share the stink of decay
-we all wither

Sample 4: